Entry Submission

Gaurav Gatha 2020 – Competition Entry Submission

Poet Details
Please put the number you are always reachable at.
Enter Poet’s active email address.

Maximum file size: 516MB

Please upload the picture of you that you would like to be showcased on Gauravgatha gallery Please limit your file size to 10 MB only
Please be sure to include Postal Pin Code
Just mention the name of the city you belongs to. The city could be different from the city in your postal mailing address.
Any additional details (2000 words max) you would like to give for example: a) Website URL b) facebook URL c) Other Creations

Details about your Poem Entry
Suggested online Devnagari script editor: Hindi Editor
(Entries in only Hindi or English are would be accepted)
(Include the gaps in between the paragraphs)
Date when you actually completed this poem
Suggested online Devnagari script editor: Hindi Editor
This is very important portion of the entry. Try to be precise and express your intention behind the poem

Maximum file size: 516MB

Please Name your poem as: Gauravgatha-Poet Name-PoemTitle.doc So, for Poet ‘Rakshak’ with Poem Title ‘My Life for India’ would upload: Gauravgatha-Rakshak-My life for India.pdf Please limit your file size to 10 MB only

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